As you may already know, when you import a product into Zendrop from AliExpress, you're able to start selling the product immediately at a price that you set, but the product must be reviewed and quoted by our sourcing team. This process typically takes roughly 24 to 48 hours and requires that you get at least one sale on the product. Unfortunately, not all products will be approved, so let's find out why!
REASON #1 - No Factory Manufacturing the Product
If our sourcing team is unable to find a suitable factory manufacturing the product you're hoping to import from AliExpress, then the product cannot be quoted, and will not be approved. A common misconception is that we source products directly from suppliers on the AliExpress website -- this is simply not true. Our sourcing team has access to a network of trusted and reliable factories in China that are able to provide products at much higher quality and competitive pricing. However, if that product is not something the factories are able to manufacture, then it can't be approved / quoted.
REASON #2 - The Product is Overlength
As you may have already guessed, there are limitations to the length of a product, and this is something that is actually different per country as different countries have different shipping restrictions. If the product you're attempting to import is considered overlength, then it cannot be quoted.
REASON #3 - The Product is Overweight
Similar to length, the same restrictions apply to the weight of a product. If the product is considered overweight, and will not be accepted by most countries due to the shipping restrictions they have in place, then our fulfillment team will not be able to quote it, and it won't be approved.
REASON #4 - Low Demand
Low demand of a product is something that ties into no factories manufacturing the product. If the demand for a product is low, then there's a high chance that there won't be anyone available that's manufacturing the product because production for the product has come to a halt.
REASON #5 - Product Type Not Accepted
Some types of products simply will not be accepted due to knowing from historical data that the product will not make it past customs. Examples of this are contraband (guns, ammunition, lighters, etc), seeds, food, etc.
REASON #6 - Unit Price Too High
If the price of an individual unit for a product is too high, the quote will not be accepted. Example of this include expensive phones, computers, etc.
REASON #7 - Branded Products
If a product you're attempting to quote is branded, the quote may not be accepted. Success is determined by the type of branding. For example, if it's a Nike product, it definitely won't be approved.